Provide a forum to ex-students of college for uniting & interacting.
Advancement and propagation of education and learning.
Assisting needy students by payments of stipends, scholarships, tuition fees, fellowships, prizes, etc.
Organizing seminars and holding guest lecture of esteemed faculties.
Promoting cultural activities, sport activities and youth activities, carrier and vocational guidance and other similar activities for the benefit of students and members.
Establishment of human resource development forum.
Organizing entrepreneurship & personality development programs.
Enlightening and educating students and members on their responsibility to their fellowmen & society at large regardless of caste, linguistic groups or religion.
Undertaking facilitating and providing for the publication of newsletters, research papers and various educational and informative books.
Giving aid by way of donation to any other charitable trust or institution having similar objects.
Collaborating, co-operating or affiliating with various organizations, societies, institutions, trusts, boards and others in furtherance of the objectives set forth above.
To look after the acts for advancement of several public utility without distinction of sex, colour, caste, creed or religion.